Meridian 22 teachers are:
- Recognized specialists
- Scientists at prestigious universities
- Lecturers with specializations abroad
- Qualified IB teachers and examiners
Daniela Kumanova – Head of school
She has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bulgarian Philology. She is a recognized specialist with professional qualification and experience in the sphere of international education. She has specialized as a teacher in the IB Diploma Programme and IB Coordinator. She teaches Language A: Literature in the IB Diploma Programme.
Yoana Kalapish- IBDP coordinator
Has graduated from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski", Mathematics and Informatics. She has extensive experience in preparing students for national and international competitions in Mathematics. She has specialized as an IBDP teacher in Oxford, St. Claire College. She teaches IB Mathematics SL and HL.
Vanya Dimitrova – Bulgarian Language and Literature
She has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bulgarian Philology. She has extensive teaching and organizational experience in the sphere of high school education. Reviewer of textbooks and teaching aids. She teaches Bulgarian Language and Literature to non-IB grades 8–12.
Ася Даскалова - български език и литература
Завършила Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски", специалност българска филология. В „Меридиан 22“ преподава от 2020 г.
Lozeta Grigorova- English language
She has graduated from Sofia University, Classical Philology and English Philology. A long-term English language teacher with international qualifications and experience in summer English language acquisition in Great Britain.
Venche Mladenova – Spanish; IB Language ab initio
She has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Spanish Philology, MA in Translation and Editing. She teaches Spanish at the Western Languages Department of Sofia University. She is a certified IB teacher and teaches Spanish to grades 9–12 and IB Spanish ab initio..
Д-р Аксиния Обрешкова – испански език
Завършила е СУ „Св. Климент Охридски", специалност „Испанска филология". Има защитена докторска степен по филология. Преподава в СУ „Кл. Охридски" във Факултета по класически и нови филологии. Има няколко специализации в Мадрид, Испания.
Victoria Necheva, IB Biology
Eмилия Узунова – биология и здравно образование
Maria Nikolova- History and Civilizations
Graduated from Sofia University "T. Kliment Ohridski", History and Journalism,
MA. First professional qualification degree. She has specialized in Great Britain-
Cheltenham( 2013) and Scarborough(2015). She has written articles in history
teaching didactics and methodology, published in history scientific magazines.
Co-author of a textbook in History for 8th grade and author of two workbooks in
History and Civilizations for 8th and 9th grade.
Д-р Ивайло Найденов - история и цивилизации
Завършил специалност „История“ (бакалавър) с педагогически профил и магистър в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Защитил е дисертация с научен ръководител проф. д-р Пламен Митев. Владее английски език. Има няколко специализации в Англия и Холандия в периода 2013-2018 г. В „Меридиан 22“ преподава история на английски език.
Eva Radeva- Geography
Graduated from Sofia University " St. Kliment Ohridski", Georgaphy, MA and postgraduation qualification in English language and Literature.
MA in Communication- Language, Literature, Media. Obtains a qualification degree from the Department of Information and Teacher Qualification, Sofia. Teaches Georgaphy in English in 9th and 10th grade.
Таня Цанкова – физика и астрономия
Завършила ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски" като магистър по инженерна физика и допълнителна квалификация по педагогика и методика на обучението по физика. Има втора икономическа магистратура по специалност „Финанси“. С дългогодишен преподавателски и бизнес опит. В „Меридиан 22” преподава физика и астрономия на английски език в 9. и 10. клас.
Daniela Dobreva – Philosophy cycle and School Psychologist
She has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Philosophy. She has specialized in Methodology of Teaching Philosophy Subjects, Psychodynamics of Groups and Organizational Behaviour, Career Consulting, Prevention of Adolescent Violence. She has extensive pedagogical and consultancy experience and is co-author of a textbook in Ethics and Law for 10 grade.
Георги Георгиев – физическо възпитание и спорт
Завършил e бакалавърска степен в Националната спортна академия със специалност „Треньор по класическа борба" и „Учител по физическо възпитание и спорт" и магистърска степен „Спортна анимация в туризма". Получил международен сертификат „Основен курс за оказване на първа долекарска помощ на деца и ученици“. В „Меридиан 22“ работи от 2014 година
Dr. Irina Alexandrova – IB Biology
She has graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Biochemistry and Microbiology. She is a research associate at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and has a PhD in Molecular Genetics. She has specialized in prestigious universities and science institutes – Spain (1998–2001) and England (2004–2005). She is a certified IB teacher in IB Biology.
Ignat Todorov – IB Economics
He has graduated from the University of National and World Economy in Macroeconomics and Accountancy and Control and is Senior Assistant Professor there teaching Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. He is a certified IB teacher in IB Economics.
Александър Душков - IB Biology
Завършил бакалавърска степен в Биологическия факултет на „Св. Климент Охридски“, специалност „Молекулярна биология“, и магистърска степен по клетъчна биология и патология. В момента е докторант в Института по молекулярна биология към БАН. Има научни публикации по темата на дисертацията си. Асистент е в Института по молекулярна биология, където работи от 2017г.. В „Меридиан 22“ преподава IB Biology в Дипломната програма
Dr. Sonya Damyanova- IB Chemistry
Has graduated from Sofia University"St. Kliment Ohridski" as an MA in Inogranic and Analytical Chemistry and an additional qualification in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies methodology. PhD in Ecology and Ecosystems Preservation. Long term teacher in General and Analytical Chemistry in University of Forestry. She has specialized in Bulgaria and Italy in the area of water and ecological monitoring.